Dandelion Root Tea

Dandelion Root Tea: Intro

What do you think of when someone mentions dandelions?  Many people think of a terrible weed that attempts to invade their yard every year. 

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Dandelions are usually one of the top enemies of homeowners with sizable yards.  I’m hoping to change the way most people see this amazing plant by spreading information about Dandelion Root Tea.  Dandelions are not always an enemy, and they can be a great health tool if you use them correctly.

Dandelion Root Tea is the primary form of one of the most popular herbal teas, Dandelion Tea.  This tea is made with the roots of the dandelion plant.  It is also known as Dandelion Coffee due to its dark appearance.  The tea has gained popularity due to recent studies documenting the significant benefits of consuming this tea.  One of the most exciting areas of study deals with the cancer-fighting potential.

Dandelion Root Tea: Guide

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Selecting Dandelion Roots

I don’t recommend picking wild dandelions and using their roots unless you can 100% guarantee that they haven’t been treated with pesticides or pooped/peed on.  I suggest using raw organic Dandelion Roots in loose tea form.  Loose tea means that the roots are not in tea bags.  Raw loose tea is the freshest and has the best health benefits.  You can also find tea bags that contain raw dandelion roots, but most tea bags contain roasted roots.

Visit my List of The Best Dandelion Roots for Tea for a complete review of high-quality Dandelion Roots.

Dandelion Root Tea: Benefits & Uses

Dandelion Root Tea contains several vitamins and minerals that improve overall health and wellness.  As mentioned above, the tea is also known as Dandelion Coffee, and people use it as a healthy alternative to regular coffee.  The tea has also been consumed for thousands of years to prevent and treat health conditions and illnesses.  I have included a summary of the benefits and uses of Dandelion Root Tea below.

I suggest reading my Dandelion Tea Ultimate Guide for all of the details and an analysis of these benefits.

dandelion root tea benefits

Dandelion Root Tea Recipe

Dandelion Root Tea is an extremely healthy herbal tea that is primarily used for kidney and liver health.  It is a diuretic and antioxidant, meaning it helps your body detoxify by producing more urine while fighting free radicals.  This helps remove harmful toxins As stated above, in-vitro studies have also shown that it helps fight cancer.  Here is a simple Dandelion Root Tea Recipe.

Ingredients for 2 Servings

Step 1:  Place the 4 Cups of filtered water into a pot and bring it to a boil.

Step 2: Add 3 Tablespoons of Dandelion Roots and reduce heat to allow the roots to steep/simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Step 3: Pour the tea through a strainer to remove any debris and pour into your desired tea cup(s).  Add your honey or desired sweetener to taste.

Step 4: Slowly stir while you allow the tea to cool for 2-3 minutes.  Your Dandelion Coffee is now ready to consume, enjoy!

Buy the Best Dandelion Roots

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Killer Taste; Best Flavor!

Dandelion Root Tea: Summary

I hope that this post has helped you see that dandelions are much more than a nuisance weed.  They are powerful plants, and the roots can be used to make a healthy tea with many benefits.  If you would like to read more about this amazing tea, check out my Dandelion Tea Ultimate Guide.

Dandelion Root Tea: Comments

Have you made Dandelion Root Tea before?  Please share your experiences below.

HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

4 Replies to “Dandelion Root Tea”

  1. I’d always wondered if dandelion tea would be any good. Thanks for the recipe! I’ll give it a try!!

    1. Hi Rachel,

      Yep! Dandelions get a bad rap, but they are pretty good when it comes to herbal tea! Another one with a “bad” reputation, but a great taste, is hibiscus. Check out some of the Benefits of Hibiscus Tea and see for yourself!

      Let us know what you think!

  2. Thanks for the free recipe. I had heard about this kind of herbal tea but I didn’t know that it was becoming more popular. I’ll give it a try tonight!

    1. No problem, Ben.

      Yes, dandelion root tea is exploding in popularity. No longer are dandelions only seen as a pesty weed! You should also look into Dandelion Coffee. This is one of the newest and most popular ways to consume dandelion herbal teas!

      Let us know what you think of the recipe!

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