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HerbalTeaHour.com loves all things herbal tea! One of the most popular kinds of herbal teas on the market is made by Yogi. There is a form of Yogi Kava Tea on the market that we’ve been asked to evaluate. Before we do, to make sure you have a solid understanding of Kava in general, please visit our Ultimate Guide to Kava Kava. HTH wrote that article to further your understanding of Kava so that you could evaluate whether kava tea, and specifically Yogi Kava Tea, might be a good match for you!
Be Careful Consuming Kava

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HTH articles have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. You should remember that Kava is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult a health or medical professional prior to taking any form of Kava. This consultation is particularly important if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, nursing or taking prescription medications. Be aware that certain medications are inhibited by Kava. Kava should never be taken with alcohol or consumed by persons under 18 years of age. Please, please, please use Kava with caution!

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This HTH article includes the important details about Kava Tea. We start with a crash course in some of the basic ways that people consume Kava, followed with a short reminder on the origins of Kava, and then include a number of ways that Kava Tea can be purchased (online, health food store, and more). Then we get into a review of Yogi Kava Tea and have included a link that you can click on to take you to their product information page (where you can read more or purchase some for yourself). Finally, we share a little about our own experience with Yogi Kava Tea so you can learn what we thought!
There are a number of ways that people consume Kava, a substance traditionally found in the Pacific region (predominantly in Hawaii or Fiji). Some turn to Kava Tea (learn about the Best Kava Tea Recipe), others use Kava Pills, and still others experiment with Kava Root Powder to make any number of other types of beverages or Kava consumables.
One of our favorite ways to consume Kava is by brewing Kava Tea. Possibly this is because we are familiar with brewing any number of other types of herbal tea and we have a high level of comfort in our ability to do so. That said, it is also because Kava tea, if brewed correctly, can cut down on some of the bitter taste that can be associated with certain kinds of Kava. One of the best manufacturers of kava tea, in our experience, is Yogi.
What is Kava?

A type of small plant or shrub, Kava has historically been found in the Pacific Islands, where natives have used derivatives from the kava plant for centuries. Many of these peoples use Kava for social and ceremonial purposes, and Kava has also been alleged to have certain medical benefits.
Roots, Stems, Leaves comprise the Kava Plant. It is the Kava Root and Stem that are typically ground down into a fine powder to be used as a base for Kava Tea. While the traditional way to accomplish the creation of Kava Powder is via use of a pestle and a bowl, some HTH readers have told us that they like to use a specialized tool known as a “mill grinder” (they aren’t very expensive and do produce a product). But what if you are looking to skip the “leg work”?
Where to Buy Kava Tea:

Kava Tea is actually becoming increasingly available. This is great news for the herbal tea community! You can find Kava Tea at some of your local big box stores or even the corner pharmacy, but be sure to call ahead to make sure they are in stock.
You can find better selections in natural food stores (predominantly those that are locally owed). It is our experience that local natural food stores also contain helpful literature where you can learn more about Kava tea, and sometimes you’ll even run into fellow Kava enthusiasts with whom you can swap Kava recipes or other information.
Of course, you can also find Kava tea online through various different retailers. Aside from a lack of the “in person” experiences that we described above, you might find that you really like the convenience and broad selection offered through the online marketplace. Of course, having the product delivered to your doorstep is pretty nice too!
Our Favorite: Yogi Kava Tea

Sometimes it is best to have someone “do the work” for you and let you reap the benefits. After all, Kava tea is consumed by those of us who are looking to relax, and many of us don’t find the fact of acquiring raw Kava ingredients or engaging in the grinding (powder creation) process to be relaxing. Luckily, our friends at Yogi have taken care of all of this for you!
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Yogi Kava Tea comes with 96 total tea bags. We like the high number of tea bags because, while we usually use just one tea bag, there are occasions where we add a second one to create a stronger cup. Given our own consumption patterns, the 96 tea bags usually last anywhere between 2 and 4 months. This also depends, of course, on whether we have friends over to share in our kava experience.

Including cinnamon, Indian Sarsaparilla Root and Carob Pod (which is organic and Non-GMO Project Verified), Yogi has created a very fine Kava tea indeed. Like most Kava teas, Yogi’s offering is free from caffeine, perfect for our vegan consumers, is 100% Kosher, is entirely free from Gluten, and creates an appealing taste entirely without artificial sweeteners or flavors. Remember, we like to add cinnamon and sugar afterwards to make the tea more palatable for those of our friends who are new to Kava Tea. Finally, the tea bags are individually packaged and the bags themselves are compostable – a very important criteria for HTH!

Yogi suggests that you bring your water to a boil (be careful) and then allow to steep for approximately 7 minutes. While it is always prudent to follow the advice of the product manufacturer, we’ve found that you can deviate from this time period depending on your tastebuds and, of course, the altitude at which you will be brewing your Kava tea. We mentioned the addition of cinnamon and sugar above, and you’ll want to be sure to add these after the tea has steeped. Be sure to stir vigorously when adding to ensure that these ingredients are properly mixed into the Kava tea and that you aren’t left with a lump of sugar or cinnamon sitting at the bottom of the cup!
Yogi Kava Tea: My Experience

I have struggled with the ability to turn my mind “off” when it is time for bed. This is true even when I am very tired from the day’s events. My struggles had continued for years and years! Many HTH readers have written into us sharing similar experiences. I know that it can be frustrating!
It was for this reason that I initially decided to try Yogi Kava Tea. One of the clerks at our local health food store was listening to me discuss this inability to “turn off” and asked whether I had ever heard of Kava. In fact, I had, but I had never contemplated the use of Kava tea as a form of sleep aid. The clerk knew that I was an herbal tea enthusiast and suggested that I try a cup of Yogi Kava Tea about 30 minutes prior to going to sleep. She suggested that I start with one kava tea bag, evaluate the results, and then increase to a second Kava tea bag.
The results were immediate. I decided to use two Kava tea bags on the first evening. I consumed them (with a bit of extra sugar and honey) about 30 minutes before bed time and I noticed that I began to feel more relaxed about 15 minutes after I had consumed the tea. Part of the relaxation was due to the soothing nature of drinking the warm beverage at the late hour, but that wasn’t the whole story. I am experienced with drinking tea before bed, and I know that the Kava was able to contribute to my ability to drift peacefully asleep in a more timely manner. Even better, I was able to actually stay asleep, instead of waking in the middle of the night with nothing to do but to stare at the ceiling. The Yogi Kava Tea has truly been a life enhancer!

I hope this article about Yogi Kava Tea has been helpful to you. As you’ve learned, Yogi Kava Tea had an immediate impact upon my ability to drift away to a peaceful night’s sleep and I hope that it can have the same impact upon your life. If you’ve read this article and find that you still have questions about Yogi Kava Tea (whether its right for you, where to find it, how to make it, or any other question) please make sure to comment near the bottom of this page. We read and reply to all comments and would love to help you wade through the Yogi Kava Tea decision process. Who knows, maybe you have the exact same question as some of our others readers and they can benefit from our discussions!
Yogi Kava Tea: Comments
Have you ever tried any type of Kava product? What about Kava tea? What about Yogi Kava Tea in particular? Did you try it for aid in relaxation or the ability to drift off to sleep? What about some other benefit? How did you brew it? Have you discovered any additional ingredients that you’ve liked to add to your tea to make it more palatable? Please make sure to share your own experiences with us. We love hearing from the herbal tea community and we think the sharing of our collective knowledge will create a very informative community for Kava enthusiasts all over the world!
HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.