How to Make Hibiscus Tea

How to Make Hibiscus Tea


Is hibiscus tea your favorite kind herbal tea? If it is, then you probably have read dozens of articles about how to make hibiscus tea, how to get the right hibiscus tea product, and much more.

That’s completely normal. The fact that you are reading this article means that you’re still searching for the one article that explains it all. You just struck the goldmine then. Let me explain…

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Organic Loose Leaf Tea

Organic Loose Leaf Tea


Do you like peppermint tea? What about spearmint tea? Maybe you partake in hibiscus tea before bed? These are all different kinds of organic loose leaf tea! I wouldn’t be surprised to hear you absolutely adore one of these herbal teas! They are very likable and the continue to BOOM in popularity over the last several months!

Today, we’re not discussing just one particular herbal tea, but all different kinds of organic loose leaf tea! We discuss all sorts of difference aspects of organic loose leaf tea and why you should really consider getting into the “loose leaf” habit – if you haven’t already! I’m excited about this article, are you? Let’s venture into the wild world of loose leaf teas, together!

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How To Make Dandelion Root Tea


Dandelion root tea is one of the numerous gifts nature has given to mankind – at least in terms of herbal tea! Have you ever wondered how to make dandelion root tea for yourself?

People all over the world make use of dandelion tea because it has several health or general wellbeing benefits. Arabian and Chinese medicine have included the roots as part of their healing treatments for thousands of years! 

Are you a fan of the dandelion root tea? Do you want to know how to make dandelion root tea? Is this your first time hearing about it, and if yes, do you want to know more?

Then, today must be your lucky day!

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Hibiscus Tea Hallucinations

Hibiscus Tea Hallucinations


We all know that hibiscus tea is awesome – neither you nor myself would be here if that wasn’t the case! Made from the “Hibiscus sabdariffa” species, hibiscus tea is blessed with a lot of health or general wellbeing benefits. However, talks of hibiscus tea hallucinations have abounded. 

Any time hallucinations are potentially involved, we want to be sure to take a closer look. Especially when one of our favorite types of herbal teas is involved! Are you brave enough to dive in with us to “see” what we find?!

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Hibiscus Tea Before Bed


Hibiscus tea is one of the most popular herbal teas in the world today. A lot of people have experienced numerous health or general well being benefits, especially those who consume hibiscus tea before bed! Are you a fan of the hibiscus tea? Do you consume hibiscus tea before bed?

If you have never heard of it before, do you want to know more? If yes, you are in the right place!! Let’s get down to business!!!

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Pure Leaf Hibiscus Tea

Pure Leaf Hibiscus Tea


Pure leaf hibiscus tea is of the most natural herbal teas on the market. You can’t help but love the way it looks and tastes – just like nature intended. Combine this with its health and/or general wellbeing benefits and it’s a no-brainer! 

Many HTH readers have never tried hibiscus tea, much less pure leaf hibiscus tea. Have you? Let’s take a look at why this particular type of herbal tea is really moving up the charts in terms of popularity!

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Hibiscus Leaves

Hibiscus Leaves


You know that various herbs and other plants have been with mankind since the beginning of time! One of these, namely hibiscus leaves, is a great example of how important they can be to society as a whole!

Hibiscus leaves are well-known around the world today. It’s called by different names by different regions (Jamaica Flower, and so on). Call it what you want. The point remains – Hibiscus Leaves are loved and cherished by most people! Let’s learn more about this awesome gift from nature and find out what benefits it might afford to us!!

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Hibiscus Tea Estrogen

hibiscus tea estrogen

Hibiscus Tea is a wonderful form of herbal tea that is gaining popularity around the world. Many people consume this delicious beverage to obtain significant health benefits, but they are unaware of other Hibiscus Tea Side Effects. One of the most concerning is the Hibiscus Tea Estrogen impact. I decided to create this post dedicated to Hibiscus Tea Estrogen in order to inform our valuable HTH Community about this important topic.

hibiscus tea estrogen levels

This is another great example of why you should consult with your doctor or healthcare professional prior to consuming herbal tea. Many forms of herbal tea have side effects that may put you at risk, especially if you don’t stay informed and follow medical guidance. Since hibiscus extract has been shown to affect estrogen levels, you should avoid consuming it if you are pregnant, nursing, or you are TTC (trying to conceive). We are not healthcare professionals here at HTH just a community of herbal tea enthusiasts that want you to get the most out of your relationship with these wonderful beverages. Most of all, we want you to stay safe!


hibiscus tea hormones

I decided to search around the internet to see what kind of information was available regarding the impact of hibiscus on estrogen. I was hoping to find a wealth of accurate information, but that was not the case. No other herbal tea websites appear to have researched the scientific studies available on this topic, so I decided to do it. I have tried to provide this info to you, the members of HTH Community, in a clear and concise manner. I will supply you with links to the complex studies I am referencing.

Estrogen Basics

A good place to start would be to briefly discuss estrogen and why it is important. Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone. It is a very important part of maintaining women’s health and is primarily responsible for controlling the reproductive system. It also impacts mood and behavior. Estrogen actually encompasses three specific hormones including estrone (menopause), estradiol (reproduction – see below), and estriol (pregnancy hormone). These hormones are all released by ovaries. I’ve created a list below of the importance of estrogen.

  1. Responsible for reproductive health
  2. Regulates the menstrual cycle
  3. Impacts breasts, vagina, ovaries, etc.
  4. Promotes psychological health
  5. Impacts mood and behavior


Estradiol is one of the three specific hormones encompassed by estrogen. It is produced by both women and men. It is the strongest of the estrogen hormones and is responsible for reproductive health.

Hibiscus Tea Estrogenic Properties

Anecdotal reports have long been circulated that broadcast the effect of hibiscus on hormone levels, specifically estrogen. This led to scientists conducting research on rats to properly analyze this subject. A 2007 Study on NCBI found that hibiscus does have “estrogenic properties” for female rats that consume hibiscus root extract (concentrated hibiscus). That means that compounds naturally found in the hibiscus plant activate estrogen receptors.

Does Hibiscus Prevent Pregnancy?

hibiscus tea infertility

This is one of the most common questions I receive dealing with hibiscus tea side effects. It can be very difficult for some women to become pregnant, and searching for possible causes and solutions for infertility can be extremely frustrating. You don’t want to discover that the hibiscus you have been consuming has prevented your pregnancy and hindered your fertility. Time is precious when you are TTC (trying to conceive), and it is often a stressful process

The simple answer is that it is possible that consuming hibiscus prevents pregnancy. The study mentioned above found that consuming hibiscus root extract led to post-coital antifertility activity. The findings were labeled as “potent” because all of the rats that consumed the extract did NOT have implantation. Simply stated, consuming hibiscus resulted in blocking 100% of the rat pregnancies after mating.

Fortunately, the scientists also found that after the rats stopped consuming hibiscus extract, mating “resulted in pregnancy and delivery of normal litters.” This showed that the fertility issues could be reversed simply by avoiding hibiscus.

Does Hibiscus Affect Male Fertility?

Since we have just discussed how consuming hibiscus extract can affect estrogen levels and impact female fertility, the next logical question deals with the impact of hibiscus on male fertility. Fortunately, research has been completed in this area. A 2012 Study on NCBI analyzed the effect of consuming hibiscus on the male reproductive system. The scientists gave hibiscus extract to male rats. It found that it produced “no adverse effect on the male reproductive system.”


I hope that you feel more informed about hibiscus tea and its impact on estrogen after reading this post. As I have stated numerous times, make sure to avoid consuming hibiscus tea if you are pregnant or nursing. I recommend all of our readers to speak regularly with their healthcare professionals and discuss any herbal tea consumption. Stay healthy and educated, my friends!

Hibiscus Tea Estrogen: Comments

Do you have any other questions regarding the hibiscus tea estrogen effects? Is there anything that you feel should be included in this post that would be helpful to others? Please share your feedback with the HTH Community. It keeps us motivated and adds your unique perspective. We sincerely appreciate it!

Kava Plant

Kava Plant


Are you familiar with the Kava Plant? Did you know that this popular plant or shrub is at the root (pardon the pun!) of all of the popular Kava related products that are increasingly available on the market? To get you up to speed on Kava, HTH suggests that you take a quick look at our Ultimate Guide to Kava Kava. Once you’ve visited the article and have more fully developed your knowledge, you might be intrigued to learn more about the Kava Plant – and this HTH article is just the right place for you to do so! Ready to get started?

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Harvest Dandelion Roots

harvest dandelion roots


I recently decided to Harvest Dandelion Roots, and I created this post to share my experience with others.  I used my dandelion roots to make Dandelion Coffee, a form of dandelion root tea.  Many herbal tea connoisseurs are already familiar with the Benefits of Dandelion Root Tea.  The diuretic effects of dandelion root tea can help weight loss and improves overall health.  Luckily, spring is right around the corner and dandelions are already starting to sprout.  You can Harvest Dandelion Roots and improve the appearance of your yard at the same time.

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