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In the last several months, we’ve notice a significant uptick in the number of HTH readers who have written into with questions about where to buy Kava. Perhaps it is because we’ve been in the business of buying herbal tea for many years, but we never realized that some people, especially beginners, may not be aware of this information. Of course, before we share some information about where to buy Kava, we suggest that you broaden your knowledge on Kava tea by referencing our Ultimate Guide to Kava. After you’ve done that, you’re ready to find the answer – Where to Buy Kava?
Before Buying or Consuming Kava

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This HTH article has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Kava is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. HTH cares deeply about the safety of its readers and insists that each consults a health professional before consuming any form of Kava, especially if you are pregnant, nursing a baby or taking any prescription medications. You should know that Kava may interfere with certain medications. Kava, in any form, should not be taken with alcoholic beverages and consumption of Kava may impair one’s ability to drive or operate heavy equipment. Kava, in any form, is not recommended for persons under the age of 18.

Please note: This post contains affiliate links. An affiliate link means that we may earn advertising/referral fees if you make a purchase through our links.
This HerbalTeaHour.com article is dedicated to one central question: Where to Buy Kava? We have organized this post into a number of different sections. We begin by going over some basic information about Kava before getting into three of our suggested ways to buy Kava. We’ve also included a short write up about our own experience buying Kava. Be sure to post at the bottom of this page if you’ve found any other ways to buy Kava or if you have any other information that you’d like to share with this herbal tea community! Let’s get started!
What is Kava?

Kava is a small plant typically found and grown in the Pacific islands. It has been our experience that most Kava comes from Fiji and Hawaii. Natives to these islands claim to have used Kava in certain social and religious situations. Many also revere Kava for its professed medicinal benefits.
Kava (sometimes referred to by its botanical name of Piper Methysticum) is typically ground down at the root and stump and created into any number of different products (Tea being our favorite, of course). Many who consume Kava do so for its outward effects, with many using Kava to address attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (commonly referred to as ADHD) and we’ve even have readers write into HTH claiming that it has helped treat their withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepine narcotics.
You should know that U.S Food and Drug Administration has expressed their concern regarding the safety and efficacy of Kava. Remember, “efficacy” is just a fancy way of saying “the ability to produce a desired or intended result”. While Kava is legal in the United States, the legality of Kava in the Europe can differ from country to county. Be sure to familiarize yourself with local laws before traveling with your Kava product!
Where to Buy Kava: Retail

It might surprise you, but retail and even “big box stores” are one of the easiest places to buy Kava (at least in terms of Kava supplement, Kava powder, and even Kava extract). Kava is usually available at retail for as low as $5 and all the way to well above $100. Of course, the price you’ll pay will vary widely based on form of Kava you buy (powder, liquid, pill, etc). The price will also widely fluctuate based on quality and on quantity.
We like the convenience of being able to go to the neighborhood nutritional supplement store to pick up Kava root powder. We find it efficient to pick up Kava extract at the local pharmacy. Despite these comforts, we have noticed two drawbacks to buying retail Kava. First, some people associate Kava with a “bad drug” and are judgmental to those buying it. Second, we’ve noticed that the selection of Kava is fairly limited at common retail stores. For those reasons, we suggest that you buy Kava by one of the two means listed below!
Where to Buy Kava: Specialty Food Store

Because of the selection and knowledgeable employees, we’ve had good experiences with buying Kava at specialty food stores. While these type of stores rarely advertise, we’ve noticed that you can usually find them in cities with populations in excess of 100,000. We like going to our local specialty food store because we find that we often run into fellow Kava enthusiasts and many times we’ll leave with new Kava idea or recipes (try the Best Kava Tea Recipe).
Socially conscience stores like your local specialty food store will likely have slightly evaluated prices to those found in your local “big box store”. The downside of these higher prices, however, is the added benefit of increased selection, knowledgeable employees, enthusiastic fellow shoppers, and a much more variable selection of Kava products! Be sure to write into HTH if you need help identifying or locating a specialty food store that has Kava in your area!
Where to Buy Kava: Online Marketplace

Perhaps this is one of the most obvious ways to buy Kava. The online marketplace eliminates nearly every one of the downsides, or surpasses every one of the upsides, mentioned above. Online stores have great variety, often feature product reviews (which, many times, include helpful hints or new recipes), and often times allow for next day or even same day delivery. Best of all, there are no annoying or judgmental sales people who might otherwise look down upon your Kava purchase!
Below is a great example. We wanted to find a high quality and potent Kava that we could use when testing out one of our favorite Kava tea recipes. We had grown frustrated with the judgmental sales people at the retail shop down the corner and our local specialty foods store was closed for two weeks while the store owner toured some central American countries on a working vacation.
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Widely Available; Great Tasting!
We discover, and made Kava tea with, the brand shown above. We think it is a better tasting, higher quality, and more effective Kava and we may very well have not discovered it had it not been for the online marketplace and their efficient system of reviews and product descriptions!
Where to Buy Kava – My Experience

I have had great luck with our local health and specialty food store. I have also had great luck online. We are thankful that each of these two avenues through which to buy Kava exist. While we haven’t had great luck with general retail, we are happy that you can buy Kava through these means because it allows for a greater exposure of Kava to the general public. The more and more exposed the general public becomes to Kava, the more and more people can become knowledgeable of it and its benefits!

We hope that this HTH article about where to buy Kava has been beneficial to you. Remember, whether you decide to buy retail, speciality food store, or in the online marketplace, be sure to write in to HTH and share your experience. We love to hear from our readers and the herbal tea community can benefit from one another’s tips and tricks! In the meantime, please let us know if you’ve discovered any other ways to buy Kava!
Where to Buy Herbal Tea: Comments
Where do you like to buy Kava? Have you been judged by ignorant retail workers? Have you found that the online marketplace has a wide variety? Does your hometown have a local health or specialty food store that features Kava products? Have you found any other ways to buy Kava that you would like to share with this herbal tea community?
HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.