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Spearmint tea is famous for its powerful flavor and unique scent. The tea’s minty taste is obtained from the primary ingredient, the leaf from the spearmint plant, Mentha spicata. Loose leaf spearmint tea is the best way to consume this tasty beverage. It is great by itself, or it can be combined with other herbs to create delicious blends. I have completed hours of research dedicated to compiling this list of the best loose leaf tea.
If you would like to learn more about Spearmint Tea, you should take the time to read my Spearmint Tea Amazing Facts.
Quality Loose Leaf Spearmint Tea
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I have created this top list of quality loose leaf spearmint tea to help my valued Herbal Tea Time readers discover a great brand at a reasonable price. I have honestly chosen these products based on quality and price. I used my knowledge and experience to compile this list, but I mainly rely on feedback from HTH members. The result is this list of loose leaf teas that I’m confident to recommend. One of my primary goals is to earn your trust, which is why I provide these unbiased reviews differently from most other websites. A high majority of other herbal tea sites are built to market specific products to make as much money as possible. I don’t believe in treating people that way.
If you don’t have the time to brew loose leaf tea, check out my related post that lists The Top 3 Spearmint Tea Bags.

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Here is my list of the best loose leaf spearmint tea. I have organized them into a Top 3 list. I’ve spent years consuming different herbal tea brands searching for the best loose leaf tea. I compiled this list to help you take advantage of my research to save money and avoid purchasing bad spearmint. It is especially important to obtain high quality fresh spearmint when you are brewing loose leaf tea. Once you are able to find quality spearmint, this has a high potential to be the most refreshing herbal tea you ever consume. I tried to include unique options that would appeal to different flavor preferences. All three can be used to brew a minty fresh cup of spearmint tea.
- Wild Foods Spearmint Serene
- Davidson’s Loose Leaf Tea
- Vahdam Mint Melody
1. Wild Foods #19 – Spearmint Serene
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If you’ve purchased herbal tea recently, you are probably already familiar with the flashy packaging of Wild Foods. This company does a great job creating delicious loose tea blends with unique names, but they also sell loose tea with one ingredient. I am introducing #19, which is straight loose leaf tea. It is appropriately named Spearmint Serene, and it is a refreshingly relaxing tea from start to finish. I was really impressed with the minty aroma of this particular brand. It is sold in a smaller package great for people that would like to sample loose leaf spearmint tea. It is affordably priced, but variable price-per-pound is higher than the bulk packages like the one mentioned next.
Davidson’s Loose Leaf Tea
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Easy to Work with; Convenient Size!
You may already know that I am a fan of several of Davidson’s herbal teas. This is a solid brand that has been around for a long time. They make sure to take care of customers and focus on quality ingredients. Davidson’s spearmint is organic, fresh, and delicious. It has a pleasant scent that takes me to a happy place in my childhood. This tea is extremely relaxing for me, and I regularly find myself smiling while consuming Davidson’s loose leaf tea. This is a 1 lb package. This makes this tea the cheapest price-per-pound out of all of these options.
Vahdam Mint Melody
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My final loose leaf tea recommendation is for a delicious blend named Mint Melody. I spend a majority of my time recommending straight herbal teas that are 100% caffeine free. I’ve decided to add a little bit of variety and cross over to the dark side with this suggestion; it contains green tea. For those of you that aren’t against consuming blends with herbal and traditional ingredients, this is a great combination. Spearmint and peppermint are meant for each other and are closely related. The natural flavor profile of green tea is sweet and subtle, and the spearmint offers a refreshing finish. This blend is sold by Vahdam, a company based in India that provides fresh loose leaf teas (herbal & traditional). This 7 oz. package.
Loose leaf spearmint tea is a wonderful minty experience. It may take a bit longer to brew loose tea, but it has many advantages over tea bags. This is a perfect way for newcomers to try out loose leaf. Spearmint is easy to work with, and it blends well with other plants and herbs. It has a flavor that will keep you coming back for more. This list of the top loose leaf tea brands has been created to give you three great options to make a delicious cup of herbal tea. All you have to do is choose the one that fits your personal preferences. If you have any questions, please post them in the Comments section at the bottom of this page, or send me a message. I really enjoy interacting with HTH readers, and I value feedback.
Want to learn more? Take a look at this scientific study detailing certain aspects of spearmint tea!
Loose Leaf Spearmint Tea: Comments
Do you enjoy loose leaf spearmint tea? What are your favorite brands, and do you agree with this list? Please post a comment below and help enrich this resource with your knowledge and perspective. I appreciate your support!
HerbalTeaHour.com is an herbal tea community that truly values transparency and disclosures. We want to be very clear about one thing. In addition to being herbal tea enthusiasts, we do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
So would you agree that peppermint is stronger than spearmint in terms of minty flavor? What about the smell?
I actually enjoy mixing spearmint and peppermint together, because they have slightly different flavor profiles that blend well together. Most tea drinkers feel that peppermint is stronger than spearmint, but they definitely both have a refreshing minty flavor.